I want it so that it will always say You Have (amm)
Here Is My HTML
<div class="box" id="burger">
<img src="./images/burger.png" alt="Burger" width="80%" height="auto"><br>
<a class="title">Burger</a><br>
<a class="price">Price : 3$</a><br>
<a class="amount">You Have ___</a><br> <!-- THIS LINE -->
<a class="buy" onclick="buy('burger', 3);">Buy </a><a class="sell"> Sell</a>
And Here Is My JS
document.getElementById("burger").getElementsByClassName('amount').innerHTML = "You Have " + burgers;
}, 1);
getElementsByClassName returns an array of all elements with that class name. if you want to change the first element with that class name, try