Why is the response below always null in my test?
public class SSO : ISSO
const string SSO_URL = "http://localhost";
const string SSO_PROFILE_URL = "http://localhost";
public AuthenticateResponse Authenticate(string userName, string password)
return GetResponse(SSO_URL);
public void GetProfile(string key)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual AuthenticateResponse GetResponse(string url)
return new AuthenticateResponse();
public class AuthenticateResponse
public bool Expired { get; set; }
public void Authenticate_Expired_ReturnTrue()
var target = MockRepository.GenerateStub<SSO>();
AuthenticateResponse authResponse = new AuthenticateResponse() { Expired = true };
target.Expect(t => t.GetResponse("")).Return(authResponse);
var response = target.Authenticate("mflynn", "password");
Your expectation is not correct. You defined that you expect an empty string as parameter on GetResponse, but you pass in the value SSO_URL. So the expectation is not meet and null is returned instead.
You have two options to correct this
One way is to set IgnoreArguments() on the expectation
target.Expect(t => t.GetResponse("")).IgnoreArguments().Return(authResponse);
and the other way is to pass in your SSO_URL as parameter to the GetResponse method like this
target.Expect(t => t.GetResponse("http://localhost")).Return(authResponse);