I have a method like this, and I want to fill teamMems
array. What am I doing so wrong!
takeTeamMembers(client:any, teamIds:string[], projectId:string){
var teamMems :TeamMember[] = []
teamIds.forEach((teamId:string) =>{
client.getTeamMembersWithExtendedProperties(projectId, teamId, undefined, undefined).then(
items.map((curr:any) => {
if(teamMems.filter((item:TeamMember) => {return item.memberId == curr.identity.id}).length == 0){
teamMems= [...teamMems, {teamIds: [teamId], memberId:curr.identity.id, name:curr.identity.displayName}]
teamMems.filter((item:TeamMember)=> item.memberId == curr.identity.id)[0].teamIds.push(teamId);
console.log("1 return innermems", teamMems)
console.log("2 return ", teamMems)
console.log("before return ", teamMems)
return teamMems;
Console output is
I think you'll have a better time with an async
function like this. The idea is to use Promise.all()
to first await for all of the getTeamMembersWithExtendedProperties
calls, and then just work on the flat, regular array.
// dummy implementation to ensure types are correct, replace with your actual stuff
async function getTeamMembersWithExtendedProperties(projectId: string, teamId: string) {
return ["something"];
async function takeTeamMembers(client: any, teamIds: string[], projectId: string) {
const teamsAndMembers = await Promise.all(
teamIds.map(async (teamId) => ({
members: await getTeamMembersWithExtendedProperties(projectId, teamId),
const teamMems = [];
const innerMems = [];
teamsAndMembers.forEach(({ teamId, members }) => {
// Do the innerMems/teamMems logic here...
return teamMems;