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How to set multi controller's package base to my SwaggerConfiguration?

My dependency....

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My problem happen when i tried to use in swagger two packages base. Below you can see what i mean with package base and above you can see my dependency. My code that i tried to use two package base are more below.

aPackageBase: com.companyx

Things that I cannot do

  • I cannot change the package base because they are huge APIs.
  • I have more then 10 APIs that follow that 2 package base.
  • I would like to use aPackageBase and bPackageBase.

Current code, that is not working...

String aPackageBase = "com.companyx";
String bPackageBase = "";

Docket docket = new Docket(DocumentationType.OAS_30).select() //
    .apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.basePackage(aPackageBase) //
        .and(RequestHandlerSelectors.basePackage(bPackageBase))) // That doesn't work :(....


What would like to have...

I just want to use both packages base. I am not trying to change the at runtime, of course I can change it at runtime and use only one packageBase, but I am tired to change it for each API. If I can have aPackageBase and bPackageBase it will save my life. haaha.

Note: I don't think I need show more about my SwaggerConfiguration because my problem is only in that part.


  • You need to change your Docket bean definition a little bit.

    Docket docket = new Docket(DocumentationType.OAS_30)
        .select() //
        .apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.basePackage(aPackageBase) //
            .or(RequestHandlerSelectors.basePackage(bPackageBase))) // use or here, not and

    RequestHandlerSelectors.basePackage(...) returns a java.util.function.Predicate object.

    Predicate#and requires both condition to be true, which is not, since any API will exist in one of the packages only. Hence Predicate#or.