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Taurus evaluate pass/fail criteria on Jmeter Apdex

I was wondering if there was a way to have Taurus report overall test failure on a bad apdex score.

ie. Currently we can do avg-rt of login>1s, continue as failed But can we do something like apdex of login>.85, stop fail, if any apdex score is less than .85 or something we choose, stop the test.

I am able to get it working with jmeter .jmx scripts and samplers but I'm wondering how far I can go with Taurus and Jmeter when it comes to pass/fail criteria for testing.

Thank you


  • As per Taurus documentation the possible metrics are:

    • avg-rt - average response time, e.g. avg-rt>2s500ms.
    • avg-lt- average latency, e.g. avg-lt for my-label>2.
    • avg-ct - average connect time, e.g. avg-ct>100ms.
    • stdev-rt - standard deviation for full response time, e.g. stdev-rt>0.5.
    • p... - percentile timing, e.g. p90>1s for 10s, p99.9>10s, stop as failed.
    • hits - number of responses, e.g. hits for my-label>100 for 5s, stop as non-failed.
    • bytes - response data size, e.g. bytes for my-label>10MB, possible types are B, kB and MB.
    • succ or success - successful responses, supports percentage threshold, e.g. succ<100% .
    • fail or failures - failed responses, supports percentage threshold, e.g. failures>50% for 5s, stop as failed.
    • rc... - percentage of specific responce code amount of all requests. Response code may be specified using wildcards ? and , e.g. rc500>20 for 5s, stop as failed, rc4??>20%, rc>=10 for 1m, rcException>99% for 1m, continue as failed.

    You can reach out to Taurus developers and maintainers via Taurus support forum and ask to include your "apdex" metric into pass/fail criteria or if you're a BlazeMeter customer you can open a support request to do this as a priority, but for the time being it's not supported