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Mocking Out Parameter In Callback Method

So, I have a method with this signature:

IList<Mail> FindFilteredPaged(
   QueryFilter filter, 
   int pageIndex, 
   int pageSize, 
   out int totalRecords);

and I wanna setup expectation so I can check that the filter parameter is null. The problem comes with the final out paremter. My current expectation setup is like this:

      out Arg<Int32>.Out(20).Dummy))                         
   .Callback<QueryFilter<IncomingMail>, Int32, Int32>((p1, p2, p3) => 
       filterWasNotSpecified = p1 == null;

No luck, however. The setup crash with an exception saying Callback arguments didn't match the method arguments. Any suggestion on how to do this? Is there a way to just use the first argument and skip the rest?



  • You may be running into the following:

    "A lambda expression cannot directly capture a ref or out parameter from an enclosing method."

    Edit: You can create / use a custom delegate ... for example declare...

    public delegate void SomeAction<T1, T2, T3>( out T1 a, ref T2 b, T3 c );

    then in your test...

    SomeAction<int, string, string> fakeDoSomething  = ( out int outParam, ref string refParam, string param ) =>
                    outParam = 123;
                    refParam = "123";
            using ( m_Mocks.Record() )
                Expect.Call( () => m_MockService.DoSomething( out outInt, ref refString, someString ) ).Do( fakeDoSomething );