I feel like a 4-year old who has a slice of bread with pb and a slice with jelly and is asking how to make a sandwich..
I've been given the responsibility of maintaining a javaEE website that was done by our parent company that no loner supports us. I'm relatively new to JavaEE and I'm trying to figure out how to recompile the files that need to be modified from within the root folder of the site.
I downloaded NetBeans to help me with this, but still can't figure it out. My problem is that the java files can't find any of the packages and resources they are dependent on. As far as I know, the resources are there.. although, I do see some packages starting with "com." and "javax.", and I don't see a 'com' or 'javax' folder anywhere.. I believe my problem has something to do with setting the class path in the project properties in NetBeans.. I tried that but either I'm not doing it right, or its not working. This whole Java compilation is so foreign to me, it'd be really great if someone could lead me in the right direction of getting this website compiled.
I posted a pick of the folder hierarchy of the website to help:
I'm trying to compile the RecordAdd.java file here specifically at the moment. Some of the packages it is trying to import come from its parent folder, asp, of the folder it is in, easp. The file is also trying to import com.icesoft.faces.component.*;
where '*' consists of several different imports of the parent packages. I don't see a com
folder like I mentioned, but I do see icefaces.jar files in the lib
folder in WEB-INF
folder. I've tried putting these folders in NetBeans Library-Compile category classpath, but that didn't do anything.
I'm not doing something right, that is probably a basic knowledge of compiling java projects, but I'm just not getting it. I really appreciate any help, just please don't be too harsh. Thanks!
It should be simple if the project was created in netbeans. Just go to File -> Open Project. Navigate to where the project is located. You will know if the folder is a project, because netbeans recognizes it and a different icon is displayed instead of a regular folder icon. Once you open your project, you can right click compile the project. You don't use java compiler yourself to compile java files in a project. Compiling and building are done by tools like ant, maven... It's automated.