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Copy data against matching fields in another sheet

enter image description here enter image description here I am trying to copy data from the display sheet to relevant consumer # in bills sheet having (176000) rows, following code I found is working but it's very slow, around takes 5 minutes to execute one entry.


    For i = 5 To 125
        If Cells(i, 20) > 0 Then
           Sheets("Bills").Cells(Cells(i, 20), 24) = Sheets("Display").Cells(i, 5)
           Sheets("Bills").Cells(Cells(i, 20), 25) = Sheets("Display").Cells(i, 7)
           Sheets("Bills").Cells(Cells(i, 20), 26) = Sheets("Display").Cells(i, 9)
           Sheets("Bills").Cells(Cells(i, 20), 27) = Sheets("Display").Cells(i, 11)
        End If
End Sub

Display sheet: Display

Bills sheet: Bills


  • Try the next code, please. It should be very fast. It is only necessary to set the rows where the ranges will be copied (firstRow, lastRow) and take care to have the (consecutive) rows where the processing result to be pasted, in column 20. In fact, it would be enough to only write the first row:

     Dim firstRow As Long, lastRow As Long, shB As Worksheet, shD As Worksheet
     Dim arr24 As Variant, arr25 As Variant, arr26 As Variant, arr27 As Variant
     Dim pasteRow As Long, i As Long, arrRows As Variant
     Set shB = Sheets("Bills")
     Set shD = Sheets("Display")
     firstRow = 5: lastRow = 125: pasteRow = CLng(shD.cells(firstRow, 20))
     arr24 = shD.Range(shD.cells(firstRow, 5), shD.cells(lastRow, 5)).value
     arr25 = shD.Range(shD.cells(firstRow, 7), shD.cells(lastRow, 7)).value
     arr26 = shD.Range(shD.cells(firstRow, 9), shD.cells(lastRow, 9)).value
     arr27 = shD.Range(shD.cells(firstRow, 11), shD.cells(lastRow, 11)).value
     arrRows = shD.Range(shD.cells(firstRow, 20), shD.cells(lastRow, 20)).value
     Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
      For i = 1 To UBound(arrRows)
        If arr24(i, 1) <> "" Then shB.cells(CLng(arrRows(i, 1)), 24).value = arr24(i, 1)
        If arr25(i, 1) <> "" Then shB.cells(CLng(arrRows(i, 1)), 25).value = arr25(i, 1)
        If arr26(i, 1) <> "" Then shB.cells(CLng(arrRows(i, 1)), 26).value = arr26(i, 1)
        If arr27(i, 1) <> "" Then shB.cells(CLng(arrRows(i, 1)), 27).value = arr27(i, 1)
      Next i
      Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
     shB.Activate: shB.cells(pasteRow, 24).Select
     MsgBox "Ready..."
    End Sub