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Multiple Subscribers forwarding it to the same Queue - Azure

I'm looking to utilize the same queue for multiple subscriptions,

enter image description here

Just wondering if this a good practise, and what are pro's and con's of this design?


  • It depends on what do you do. There are a few use-cases for a centralized queue topology:

    1. Have a single source of messages for scale-out. Rather than having N number of subscription listeners and exhausting broker connections, you have only one queue to listen to and scale-out on.
    2. Centralized dead-letter queue - instead of handling dead-letter queue per subscription, you consolidate all dead-lettered messages in a single queue to consume from. Those messages will have information about their original source if that's needed for decision making.
    3. Migration scenario - when your old topic/subscription needs to be drained off the messages before it can be decommissioned.