I think I understand that strapi + the nuxt-link tag allows you to make dynamically link to another view without methods.
I need a link for a vue with the id in parameter to received the good data on the url of strapi.
Actually i try that:
<li v-for="app in applications" :key="app.id">
<nuxt-link to=`/applications/${app.id}`>
{{ app.name }}
But my syntaxe is not correct, i have this error:
ERROR in ./components/TheSidebar.vue
6:23 error Parsing error: unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value vue/no-parsing-error
6:23 warning Expected to be enclosed by double quotes vue/html-quotes
6:24 error Parsing error: unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value vue/no-parsing-error
6:38 error Parsing error: unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value vue/no-parsing-error
How can i make this dynamique link please?
This should work, tags should not be opened/closed with ``, but always with double quotes ("")
<li v-for="app in applications" :key="app.id">
<nuxt-link :to="'/applications/' + app.id">
{{ app.name }}