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C++ replacement: Replacing every occurence of v[x] with

In C++, for a vector v, behaves like v[x], except that it throws an out of bounds error if a non-existent element is accessed.

I would like to ideally always use, however, it is not as convenient to write as v[x]. Is there a way I can make v[x] behave like, perhaps using something like #define?

If not, is there a better solution for out-of-bounds errors to always be thrown?


  • You may consider overloading the method in a new inheritance, as follows

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    template< class T, class allocator =  std::allocator<T>>
    struct Vector : std::vector<T, allocator>{
        using std::vector<T, allocator>::vector;
        const T& operator[](size_t i)const{
            return this -> at(i);
        T& operator[](size_t i){
            return this -> at(i);
    template< class T>
    Vector(size_t, T ) -> Vector<T>;//if u want to use c++17 deduction guides
    int main()
        std::vector<int> vec1(4,1);
        std::cout << vec1[4];
        Vector vec2(4,1);
        std::cout << vec2[4];