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Y-axis force with cola.js and Cytoscape

I have noticed that using Cola.js (with Cytoscape.js) most of my layouts tend to form in a square layout and not using up my bounding box which is more wide than tall.

I've been looking around and found d3-force which has this option of forceY that transform a square layout (

enter image description here

To this more wide layout:

enter image description here

I would really like to do the same for Cola.js, however I have been struggling to do it and tried all possible options like setting the bounding box, disabling zoom and etc. Is this possible at all?

I've found a demo for Cola.js that provides somewhat what I need, but unable to make it work in Cytoscape.js:


  • Based on the link you provide, you can apply a similar functionality with cola.js. You need to have two dummy nodes locked (one for top-left and one for bottom-right) and then add constraints for all other nodes appropriately. You can disable the visibility of dummy nodes (I left them as visible so we can see the top-left and bottom-right of the bounding box.). You can play with the position of dummy nodes to adjust your bounding box.

    var cy = = cytoscape({
      container: document.getElementById('cy'),
      style: [{
          selector: 'node',
          css: {
            'content': 'data(id)',
            'text-valign': 'center',
            'text-halign': 'center'
          selector: 'edge',
          css: {
            'curve-style': 'straight',
      layout: {
            name: 'preset'
      elements: {
        nodes: [{
            data: {
              id: 'n0'
            data: {
              id: 'n1'
            data: {
              id: 'n2'
            data: {
              id: 'n3'
            data: {
              id: 'n4'
            data: {
              id: 'd0'
            position: {x: 0, y:0}
            data: {
              id: 'd1'
            position: {x: 400, y:150}
        edges: [{
            data: {
              id: 'n0n1',
              source: 'n0',
              target: 'n1'
            data: {
              id: 'n1n2',        
              source: 'n1',
              target: 'n2'
            data: {
              id: 'n2n3',        
              source: 'n2',
              target: 'n3'
            data: {
              id: 'n4n1',        
              source: 'n4',
              target: 'n1'
    var tl = cy.getElementById('d0');
    var br = cy.getElementById('d1');
    var realGraphNodes = cy.nodes().difference(tl.union(br));
    var constraints = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < realGraphNodes.length; i++) {
            constraints.push({ axis: 'x', left: tl, right: realGraphNodes[i], gap: 100 });
            constraints.push({ axis: 'y', left: tl, right: realGraphNodes[i], gap: 100 });
            constraints.push({ axis: 'x', left: realGraphNodes[i], right: br, gap: 100 });
            constraints.push({ axis: 'y', left: realGraphNodes[i], right: br, gap: 100 });
    cy.layout({name: 'cola', randomize: true, animate: false, gapInequalities: constraints}).run();
    body {
      font: 14px helvetica neue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
    #cy {
      height: 95%;
      width: 95%;
      left: 0;
      top: 0;
      position: absolute;
      <meta charset=utf-8 />
      <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimal-ui">
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <div id="cy"></div>