I have a strange issue. I am creating a generic class and I have a generic method and test. The test looks like this:
public async Task ReturnGeneric()
// Assemble
const int id = 1;
var request = new GetGeneric<Venue>(id);
var services = GetGenericContext.GivenServices();
var handler = services.WhenCreateHandler();
var venues = Builder<Venue>.CreateListOfSize(20).Build().ToDbSet();
// Act
var response = await handler.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None);
// Assert
And the method looks like this:
public async Task<Attempt<T>> Handle(GetGeneric<T, TKey> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var id = request.Id;
if (EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.Equals(id, default)) return ValidationError.Required(nameof(id));
var generics = _databaseContext.Set<T>().AsQueryable();
var t = _databaseContext.Set<T>().ToList();
var generic = generics.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.Equals(request.Id));
var x = t.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.Equals(id));
if (generic == null) return NotFoundError.ItemNotFound(nameof(T), request.Id.ToString());
return generic;
variables t
and x
are just tests for my own sanity.
The issue here is that generic
is null in my test, but x
is not.
It seems to have a problem with the AsQueryable()
method. For some reason if I do a call to AsQueryable()
there are no results in the collection, but there are if it invoke ToList()
This is my extension method for ToDbSet()
public static class DbSetExtensions
public static DbSet<T> ToDbSet<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data) where T : class
var queryData = data.AsQueryable();
var dbSet = Substitute.For<DbSet<T>, IQueryable<T>>();
return dbSet;
Can anyone think of a reason why this is not working?
The entire class looks like this:
public class GenericGet<T, TKey> : IRequest<Attempt<T>> where T: TClass<TKey>
public TKey Id { get; }
public GenericGet(TKey id)
Id = id;
public class GenericGet<T> : GenericGet<T, int> where T : TClass<int>
public GenericGet(int id) : base(id)
public class GenericGetHandler<T, TKey> : IRequestHandler<GenericGet<T, TKey>, Attempt<T>> where T: TClass<TKey>
private readonly DatabaseContext _databaseContext;
public GenericGetHandler(DatabaseContext databaseContext)
_databaseContext = databaseContext;
public async Task<Attempt<T>> Handle(GenericGet<T, TKey> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var id = request.Id;
if (EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.Equals(id, default)) return ValidationError.Required(nameof(id));
var generics = _databaseContext.Set<T>().AsQueryable();
var generic = generics.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.Equals(request.Id));
if (generic == null) return NotFoundError.ItemNotFound(nameof(T), request.Id.ToString());
return generic;
public class GenericGetHandler<T> : GenericGetHandler<T, int> where T : TClass<int>
public GenericGetHandler(DatabaseContext databaseContext) : base(databaseContext)
And a venue looks like this:
public class Venue: TClass<int>
[Required, MaxLength(100)] public string Name { get; set; }
[MaxLength(255)] public string Description { get; set; }
public IList<Theatre> Theatres { get; set; }
I changed my DatabaseContext mock to actually use the in memory provider as suggested by Fabio. It looks like this:
public class DatabaseContextContext
public DatabaseContext DatabaseContext;
protected DatabaseContextContext()
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DatabaseContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
DatabaseContext = new DatabaseContext(options);
And then my GetGenericContext looks like this:
public class GenericGetContext<T> : DatabaseContextContext where T : TClass<int>
public static GenericGetContext<T> GivenServices() => new GenericGetContext<T>();
public GenericGetHandler<T> WhenCreateHandler() => new GenericGetHandler<T>(DatabaseContext);
Instead of doing:
We are not mocking anymore, so we can actually do:
We must call save changes otherwise it won't actually say the venues to the collection. Once you do that, everything works as expected.