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Redux-saga takeLatest conditionally

I have a question related to redux-saga that is there any way to achieve takeLatest but with condition.

For example, I have a dynamical list of song types (Rap, Pop, Hip_hop...), I want to fetch the songs by song type. I define an redux-action with type "FETCH_SONGS_BY_TYPE" then pass songType to it. The action will look like

// actions
const fetchSongsByType = songType => ({
function* fetchSongsByTypeSaga(action) {
   // request songs list by action.songType
function* Saga() {
  yield takeLatest(FETCH_SONGS_BY_TYPE, fetchSongsByTypeSaga);

So I want that the previous saga task is only canceled if the next saga run has the same songType.

In above code, I got this:

  1. fetchSongs - songType: Hip_hop (canceled because of [2])
  2. fetchSongs - songType: Rap (canceled because of [3])
  3. fetchSongs - songType: Pop (canceled because of [4])
  4. fetchSongs - songType: Rap (canceled because of [5])
  5. fetchSongs - songType: Pop

But I expected it will be like this:

  1. fetchSongs - songType: Hip_hop
  2. fetchSongs - songType: Rap (canceled because of [4])
  3. fetchSongs - songType: Pop (canceled because of [5])
  4. fetchSongs - songType: Rap
  5. fetchSongs - songType: Pop

I appreciate any helps, thanks in advance.


  • If you take a look at the documentation of takeLatest, you will see how this effect is built using the low-level effects. With this example, you can easily create your custom effect which only cancels actions from the same music genre.


    const takeLatestByType = (patternOrChannel, saga, ...args) => fork(function*() {
      // hold a reference to each forked saga identified by the type property
      let lastTasks = {};
      while (true) {
        const action = yield take(patternOrChannel);
        // if there is a forked saga running with the same type, cancel it.
        if (lastTasks[action.type]) {
          yield cancel(lastTasks[action.type]);
        lastTasks[action.type] = yield fork(saga, ...args.concat(action));


    function* Saga() {
      yield takeLatestByType(FETCH_SONGS_BY_TYPE, fetchSongsByTypeSaga);