I have a bug in my app, that appears only on the Chrome installed on Linux. Everything works fine in all other browsers and on android, but on Linux Chrome I have a bug. How to get around this? I can detect chrome via window.chrome
but if I check window.navigator.platform.slice(0, 5) == 'Linux'
it will returns true
also on Android, and I do not want it. What to do?
You can simply add an extra check to see if the user is on android with the following code:
var isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1;
var isLinux = navigator.platform.slice(0, 5) == 'Linux';
if(!isAndroid) {
console.log("Device is NOT Android Phone");
if(isLinux) {
/* This code will run on Linux but not on Android devices */