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Want a regex for validating Indian Vehicle Number Format?

Hello everyone here...

I need to build up a swing application related to vehicle registration and in which i want to do input the vehicle number of indian standard, like:

MP 09 AB 1234

AH 17 FT 2387

UT 32 DR 6423

DL 01 C AA 1111

More Specifically,

Please if any one can help me? DocumentFilter type class can also help me.........


  • Based on the Wikipedia spec:

    ^[A-Z]{2}[ -][0-9]{1,2}(?: [A-Z])?(?: [A-Z]*)? [0-9]{4}$
    • The first two letters of the registration plate represent the State in which the vehicle is Registered.
    • The next two digit numbers are the sequential number of a district. Due to heavy volume of vehicle registration, the numbers were given to the RTO offices of registration as well.
    • The third part is a 4 digit number unique to each plate. A letter(s) is prefixed when the 4 digit number runs out and then two letters and so on.
    • In some states (such as the union territory of Delhi, and previously in Gujarat and Bihar ) the initial 0 of the district code is omitted; thus Delhi district 2 numbers appear as DL 2 not DL 02.
    • The National Capital Territory of Delhi has an additional code in the registration code: DL 01 C AA 1111