i want make dynamic images url, where assets is subdomain
Working route :
$route['assets/images/([A-Za-z]+)/(\d+)/(.+)'] = "resize/img/$1/$2/$3";
img url : localhost/assets/images/test/350/item.jpg
but what i want its :
how to make dynamic image resize with subdomain url like that ?
public function img($FileDir, $width,$filename)
if (isset($filename)){
$FileUrl = 'assets/images/'.$FileDir.'/'.$filename;
// configure image library
$config = array(
'image_library' => 'gd2',
'source_image' => $FileUrl,
'create_thumb' => true,
'maintain_ratio' => true,
'dynamic_output' => true,
'quality' => '60%',
'width' => $width
Well, it's not important to make a route for assets.
The correct way of making the assets folder is to put your assets folder inside a public folder in the route directory like this.
> application
> public/assets/images
> system
Once you did it, the 2nd step is to create a subdomain and assign that subdomain to public/assets
And here the 3rd step is to create a helper function.
function assets_url($uri = '')
return 'https://assets.yourdomain.com/'.$uri;
And now replace this line in your code.
$FileUrl = assets_url('images/'.$FileDir.'/'.$filename);