I'm working on AtMega88PA with well-working LCD display.
I've got 2 working methods from the internet:
extern void lcd_putc(char c); // send one 'char' to LCD display e.g. lcd_putc('A')
extern void lcd_puts(const char *s); // send more chars e.g lcd_puts("something")
And those are working great. However if I want to send uint8_t LCD is showing weird symbol - 4 horizontal lines.
I've tried to project this integer using:
lcd_putc((char) integer);
Both outside and inside function, with same result. I also tried to convert a number from BCD to Decimal and otherwise. It's same for unsigned char - for some reason when I try to display unsigned char same character appears on LCD display.
How do I convert other data types into char in C?
snprintf() is the answer!
Thank you all