Consider the following example code:
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace ReportLoadTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var con = new SqlConnection("...your connection string here..."))
var trans = con.BeginTransaction();
var cmd = con.CreateCommand();
cmd.Transaction = trans;
cmd.CommandText = @"insert SomeTable(...columns...) values (...); select scope_identity()";
var rows = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
var rs = new SSRS.ReportExecutionService();
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
rs.Url = "http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx";
var ei = rs.LoadReport("/Folder/Folder/Some report", null);
Under what conditions would this program "get stuck" at the call to ReportExecutionService.LoadReport
By stuck, I mean 0 CPU, 0 I/O - no progress being made at all by the calling program, Reporting Services or SQL Server.
This program will get stuck if the report that's being loaded contains a dataset that's used to populate the available values for a parameter and that dataset is based on a query that reads rows from SomeTable
LoadReport will eventually time out and there will be zero helpful information left lying around to help you figure out what happened.
Possible solutions:
I ran into this as an actual production issue with a system that runs reports on a schedule, and the report being run was the "scheduled reports history" report.
The subtlety is that LoadReport runs queries - in retrospect, it's obvious that it must run queries since the available values for parameters are contained in the ExecutionInfo that's returned by LoadReport.