Is it possible to design a bookmarklet to run different scenarios based on the number of times it was clicked?
I tried to do this via addEventListener when clicked and setTimeout(main, 5000), then counting the eventListeners' fires when main() finally runs. It works after a fashion, but there are two problems with this approach:
Clicks are caught and counted if the bookmarklet is invoked as a link on a webpage, but not, of course, if clicked on Bookmark Bar. This is unresolvable, I believe; the number of clicks has to be evaluated when the last main function runs somehow…
Say, I clicked the bookmarklet 3 times; main() runs 3 times spaced 5000ms apart. How do I make it run only the once? And only the last one at that, to resolve the problem in #1? The way I do it is so cumbersome as to be all but useless, and is prone to racing besides.
The main question though is that I feel my approach, even if viable, is far too clumsy. I'm aware I can use, say, prompt() and have the user enter the number of a scenario, or render a menu and click a required scenario, but is there a way to do that based simply on the number of clicks / snippet runs within a given time frame?
Check if this is what you need:
javascript: (() => {
window.bmClicked = window.bmClicked ? window.bmClicked + 1 : 1;
window.bmTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
console.log('window.bmClicked: ', window.bmClicked);
window.bmClicked === 1 && functionOne();
window.bmClicked === 2 && functionTwo();
window.bmClicked === 3 && functionThree();
window.bmClicked = null;
}, 500);
function functionOne() {
function functionTwo() {
function functionThree() {