I have an InDesign doc with the swatch named "mySwatch" which is C10 M20 Y30 K40
. I have written the line:
app.activeDocument.colors.item("mySwatch").colorValue = [9,19,30,41];
to change it to a specific set of values (9,19,30,41
), but I would like to instead add or subtract from the existing values, let's say [-1
, -1
, unchanged
, +1
Is this possible?
You will have to get the values out by assigning them to a new variable.
var myvalues = app.activeDocument.colors.item("mySwatch").colorValue
Do your operations on them.
myvalues[0] = myvalues[0] - 1
Reassign them to your swatch.
app.activeDocument.colors.item("mySwatch").colorValue = myvalues
(Not tested)