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How to escape json strings in freemarker

We are building a restful api using Spring MVC and freemarker as the templating language. We have chosen to build json responses in the freemarker

Example freemarker.ftl:

"field1" : "${response.value1}",
"field2" : "${response.value2}"

We get a problem when the strings in the values contain quotation marks (or any of the other characters in the JSON syntax).

The question: How can I escape these strings using freemarker?

We have looked at ?xml or ?html but they do not cover all relevant characters (such as \).

EDIT: ?js_string will escape the string to comform with JavaScript. And since JSON is based on JavaScript (JavaScript Object Notation), it will work.

EDIT2: In case a single-quote pops up, ?js_string will escape it which again leads to invalid JSON. The hotfix for it is:

${variable?js_string?replace("\\'", "\'")} 

and if you really want to be picky:

${variable?js_string?replace("\\'", "\'")?replace("\\>",">")}

Alternatively if you use Spring:


  • You're looking for the ?js_string operator.

    "field1" : "${response.value1?js_string}",
    "field2" : "${response.value2?js_string}"

    That will take care of escaping quotes, backslashes, et. al in order to make your JS happy.

    Edit: I just saw that they introduced a ?json_string operator in Freemarker 2.3.19. See here for exactly how it works. And there was much rejoicing...