I have everything in place, but i have a problem setting the items that are created in the inventory to the actual slots. i made this so that there is a better overview of the items.
this is the code for the inventory:
// Amount of Slots in inventory defined here!!!
private Slot[] slots = new Slot[10];
public List<Item> invItems = new List<Item>();
public void CheckSlot(Item item)
for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++)
if (slots[i].isEmpty == false)
//call a method.
if (item.isStackable)
slots[i].amount = item.amount;
if (slots[i].isEmpty == true)
//call another method.
//run some code.
slots[i] = new Slot(item);
public void UpdateAmount(Item _item,Slot _slot)
_slot.amount = _item.amount;
public void CreateItem(Item item)
Item invItem1 = new Item();
invItem1 = item.Copy();
public void InventoryAdd(Item item)
//check if the item is already in the inventory
//if true check if it is stackable and the new amount is less than maxStackable amount
//if false add the item to the invItems list and set the slot to false
if (invItems.Count != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < invItems.Count; i++)
if (invItems[i].ItemID == item.ItemID)
if (invItems[i].amount + item.amount <= invItems[i].maxStackable)
invItems[i].amount += item.amount;
CheckSlot(invItems[i]); //
if (invItems[i].amount < invItems[i].maxStackable)
if (invItems[i].amount + item.amount > invItems[i].maxStackable)
int nextAmount = invItems[i].maxStackable - invItems[i].amount;
invItems[i].amount += nextAmount;
Item invItem1 = new Item();
invItem1 = item.Copy();
invItem1.amount = invItem1.amount - nextAmount;
Item invItem = new Item();
invItem = item.Copy();
and the Item script :
public string name;
public int ItemID;
public GameObject prefab;
public Sprite icon;
public int amount = 1;
public bool isStackable;
public int maxStackable = 5;
public Item()
public Item(string _name, int id,GameObject _prefab, int _amount, bool stackable,int maxStack)
name = _name;
ItemID = id;
prefab = _prefab;
amount = _amount;
isStackable = stackable;
maxStackable = maxStack;
public Item Copy()
Item copy = new Item();
copy.name = this.name;
copy.ItemID = this.ItemID;
copy.prefab = this.prefab;
copy.amount = this.amount;
copy.isStackable = this.isStackable;
copy.maxStackable = this.maxStackable;
return copy;
and the code for a slot:
public bool isEmpty = true;
public Slot()
public Slot(Item _item)
this.name = _item.name;
this.ItemID = _item.ItemID;
this.isStackable = _item.isStackable;
this.prefab = _item.prefab;
this.icon = _item.icon;
the thing is i do not know how i can set the Items i have created in the inventory to the slot. maybe i need to cleanup my code, and check for each of those things in one go instead of seperate?
What I understand from your description is that you have multiple slots and each slot can hold one or more item. So,Instead of adding them through constructor like below:
public Slot(Item _item)
this.name = _item.name;
this.ItemID = _item.ItemID;
this.isStackable = _item.isStackable;
this.prefab = _item.prefab;
this.icon = _item.icon;
Maintain a list of items in slot class and have a special method to add items to slot. Something like this:
public List<Item> ItemsInSlot {get;set;}
public void AddItems(IEnumerable<Item> items)
I am assuming you already have some mechanic in place to trigger adding items to a slot. Like a button in UI or dragging item(s) to slot.