I am running the following command in Powershell with a view to get it on CircleCI but am seeing the error: Cannot find database driver: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
./liquibase.bat --driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
--classpath=E:\Software\liquibase-3.10.2\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.48.jar --url="jdbc:mysql://REDACTED:3306/sandbox"
--changeLogFile=/db.changelog-1.0.mysql.sql --username=REDACTED
--password=REDACTED `
I have checked the classpath of the mysql-connector file being correct / ran a file exists and is True
The PATH variable has the Liquibase root folder after checking the output of
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
Change your driver to
or update your mysql dependency. I believe your dependency has package com.mysql.jdbc
but mysql updated their library with new package.
Try to use this one for example.