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Implement counter variable in camel route

I am trying to get the List of employee details From Database and Push it in to External System using REST API. I am able to create a route for the above flow .

Also, I want to know the count of created and failure records. So i created a counter by setting property with value 0 and then increment the property value . When i try to increment the property value it always the same as what i initialized.

    .setBody(constant("select name as name, location as location,mobile as mobile from employee"))
    .process(exchange ->{
        // Custom Logic which will convert list of Employee  Details
    .setProperty("successrec", simple("0"))
    .setProperty("failurerec", simple("0"))
    .setProperty("successrec", simple("${property.successrec++}"))
    .doCatch((Exception.class)).process( exchange ->{   
        Integer failureRecords=exchange.getProperty("failurerec",Integer.class);
        exchange.setProperty("failurerec", failureRecords++);


I tried even using processor to set and get the property value, But it didn't worked . Is there any way i can have a counter over success and failure records.


  • Properties are local to an exchange so you may need to use a Route Policy to inject a global counter.

    Create a route policy:

    class MyRoutePolicy extends RoutePolicySupport {
        private AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
        public void onExchangeBegin(Route route, Exchange exchange) {
            exchange.setProperty("counter", counter);
        public int getCounter() {
            return counter.get();

    Associate the policy to the route:

    MyRoutePolicy policy = new MyRoutePolicy();

    This is one of the possible solutions but you may also using a global counter that depending on your needs, may be simpler.