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Editing states between high and low order components

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I have this hieriechy . Both of journal page and one journal component are class components

Now when i would like to edit something from Low Order to High order . i pass an function via props . and then use it inside the low order component ex.


            handleOneJournalChange={this.handleOneJournalChange} <=== the function which edit the highr order via low order

My question is how i can edit a state value in a Low order component from a High order component without using a third party library ?


  • form what I understand you want to update the parent component state from the children you can do this

    class childrenComp extends Component {
        updateState = ()=> {
            this.props.updateState({title: 'edit'})
        render() {
            return (
    class Parent extends Component {
        state = {
            title: ''
        render() {
            return (
                <childrenComp setState={this.setState}>