I'm trying to set the LineRenderer position in the center of the parent but it's set in the wrong position
it's should be in this position
Here is the code that I tried
Vector3 SumPointsVectors = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
// filledRenderer point int Line rendere
foreach (var child in filledRenderer)
SumPointsVectors += child;
Vector3 Center = SumPointsVectors / filledRenderer.Length;
_lineRenderer.transform.position = Center;
virgilcwyile answer: The line renderer game object when you select is showing you the centre point right? So you can create a GameObject and place it in that centre point, then Make the LineRenderer a child of that GameObject. Then set this GameObject child of your Cylinder Parent. After doing that, you can reset the GameObject's position to Vector3.Zero.
Alternate Solution: Another solution would be to create a Custom Mesh from your Points and then set the pivot.
here the answer in unity answer http://answers.unity.com/answers/1770136/view.html