I am working on a project based on ASP.NET Core 3.1 and I want to add a specific functionality to it to schedule publishing a post in the future in a date and time specified by post author (something like what Wordpress does for scheduled posts through its cron jobs). For example, if we receive this date and time from user :
2020-09-07 14:08:07
Then, how can I schedule a background task for it by using hosted services to run only for one time and to change a flag in database and save changes after that?
I've read some articles about it but they didn't specify date and time and just mentioned repeated tasks for every 5 second and stuff like that with cron expressions, but, the thing I need to know is how can I schedule a background task for a specific date and time?
Thank you in advance.
After some trial and error I found a way to schedule a background task for specific date and time by using hosted service as I asked in the question, and, I did that with System.Threading.Timer
and Timespan
like this:
public class ScheduleTask : IScheduler, IDisposable
private Timer _timer;
private IBackgroundTaskQueue TaskQueue { get; }
// Set task to schedule for a specific date and time
public async Task SetAndQueueTaskAsync(ScheduleTypeEnum scheduleType, DateTime scheduleFor, Guid scheduledItemId)
// Omitted for simplicity
// ....
// ......
// lines omitted for simplicity
// .....
// Set timer for schedule item
private Task SetTimer(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
// ......
// lines omitted for simplicity
// .....
_timer = new Timer(DoWork, null, (item.ScheduledFor - DateTime.UtcNow).Duration(), TimeSpan.Zero);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private void DoWork(object state)
// Changes after the scheduled time comes
private async Task ScheduledItemChangeState(DateTime scheduleFor)
using (var scope = Services.CreateScope())
var context =
// Changing some data in database
public void Dispose()
If you look at the part of the above code in which I passed (item.ScheduledFor - DateTime.UtcNow)
as Timer class constructor's third parameter to initialize a new instance of it, I actually ask the timer to do a specific work in a specific time I stored as a DateTime in item.ScheduledFor
You could read more about background tasks with hosted services in ASP.NET Core here from official Microsoft docs:
To see the full implementation in my Github repo which has the possibility to recover the scheduled tasks from database after restarting the server, use the following link: