I am trying with basic Avro publisher in java which is available in examples
I was successfully able to publish in self managed confluent cloud in my local machine ( macOS ) and in machine available in GCP ( Self managed confluent binaries )
The same was tried it confluent cloud
I have a confluent cloud access, where i am trying with this same example but it is showing junk characters in value.
Steps carried out in confluent cloud
Could any of you help me over here as what is missing.
Your data is correct; the Confluent Cloud message viewer doesn't currently (September 2020) support rendering Avro messages.
You can verify that your data is correct by using a consumer such as kafkacat:
docker run --rm edenhill/kafkacat:1.6.0 \
-X security.protocol=SASL_SSL -X sasl.mechanisms=PLAIN \
-X ssl.ca.location=./etc/ssl/cert.pem -X api.version.request=true \
-X sasl.username="${CCLOUD_API_KEY}" \
-X sasl.password="${CCLOUD_API_SECRET}" \
-t your_topic \
-C -o beginning \
-f 'Topic %t[%p], offset: %o, Headers: %h, key: %k, payload: %S bytes: %s\n ' \