Trying to get started with Confluent Kafka using this documentation:
The confluent platform is downloaded in the relevant directory: /Users/dj/dev/kafka/confluent-3.3.0
The doc says to run:
$ confluent start
Which returns:
-bash: confluent: command not found
Reading further the doc assumes the `services will run on localhost with default properties', and goes on to say 'If not already in your PATH, add Confluent’s bin directory by running':
export PATH=<path-to-confluent>/bin:$PATH
Which for me is:
$ export PATH=</Users/dj/dev/kafka/confluent-3.3.0>/bin:$PATH
Which returns:
-bash: /bin:/Users/dj/anaconda/bin:/Users/dj/anaconda/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin: No such file or directory
It appears that my Anaconda installation is interfering with the bin path. How do I resolve this?
Don't include the angle-brackets. Try this instead:
export PATH=/Users/dj/dev/kafka/confluent-3.3.0/bin:$PATH