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Execute Javascript in Xamarin.Forms WebView

im trying to execute Javascript in my Xamarin.Forms WebView by using the tutorial described here:

Android works really good but I have problems setting this up on iOS. In the iOS custom renderer I basically return the js execute result by

return Task.FromResult(this.EvaluateJavascript(js));

Since last year the iOS api changed and this line throws an error when debugging. It turns out that I should use WkWebViewRenderer instead of WebViewRenderer. I tried to change but EvaluateJavascript() method now wants two arguments... one is the js string and one is a WKJavascriptEvaluationResult handler ...

I dont know how to adapt the code in the tutorial... can someone help?


  • I just changed

    return Task.FromResult(this.EvaluateJavascript(js));


    var x = await webView.EvaluateJavascriptAsync(js);
    return x;

    and now it works