im looking for answers on my question. And i can't find any. So as example:
this.connect = false;
if (this.connect) {
If i change this.connect = true
in my devtools -> console. It should alert message 'CONNECTED'.
Is there any way to do that? Will be awesome to get this to work!
Edit: Theres no need for a Proxy. Just use defineProperty to define a get/set method for the connected property of the window.
Hey have a look at this snippet - guess this is a good way to start with.
// We are using a property _connected to store the value of the connected property
let _connected = false;
// We are defining a property with the name 'connected' on the this (this = globalThis = window => console dev tool)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'connected', {
get: () => _connected,
set: (value) => {
_connected = value;
console.log(`Setting 'connected' to: ${value}`);
// Try using this.connected = $val inside your console.
this.connected = true;
this.connected = false;
this.connected = "foo";
Using a Proxy like @Jaromanda X suggested is also possible but I guess it is not be best solution because overwriting the window/this/globalThis - scope seems to be impossible:
const _this = new Proxy(window, {
set: (target, key, value) => {
if (key === "connected")
console.log(`Setting 'connected' to set to ${value}`);
target[key] = value;
return true;
_this.connected = true;
_this.connected = false;
_this.connected = "foo";