We are given a code snippet in run time along with a name of a variable used in code. We want to evaluate the given code and log the value of the variable.
suppose our code is var foo = "Blah";
and the name of the var is foo.
eval('var foo = "Blah"; let varName = "foo"; console.log(this[varName]);');
yields Blah
new Function('var foo = "Blah"; let varName = "foo"; console.log(this[varName]);')();
yields undefined
Is there a way to make get this to work with new Function?
With new Function
, you're creating a new function. The code that is executed looks something like:
function someFunction() {
var foo = "Blah"; let varName = "foo"; console.log(this); console.log(this[varName]);
There, foo
is in local scope of the someFunction
. It's not global, so variables declared with var
inside the function don't get put onto the global object.
In contrast, eval
runs on the top level. Your eval
code that is executed looks something like:
var foo = "Blah"; let varName = "foo"; console.log(this[varName]);
which is all on the top level, so the foo
variable that was declared gets put onto the global object, the this