Something curious is happening in my application and I would like to know the reason.
I have a resource that is constructed with a backend service in my Spring server, and when the JSON arrives at the front end one of the property names is different. I have followed with breakpoints the entire construction of the resource and at no point before returning the query does the property name ever change from isHiddenOnQuote
- as you probably suspect, it's defined as a boolean in the object model. My database stores the value as a 1 or 0.
When the JSON is received by my front end, the property name changes to hiddenOnQuote
- the "is" magically drops off. Strange as well, is the fact that I have other boolean fields in the JSON that don't change; they retain their "is"ness.
Here is a snippet from the model. Note that none of these properties exist in the superclass, BaseEntity.
import lombok.Data;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDelete;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.List;
@SQLDelete(sql =
"UPDATE product_option_category " +
"SET is_deleted = true " +
"WHERE id = ?")
@Where(clause = "is_deleted = false")
public class ProductOptionCategory extends BaseEntity {
private String categoryName;
private int optionLimit;
private int mnSegment;
private boolean isBitwise;
private boolean areOptionsRepeatable = false;
private boolean isHiddenOnQuote = false;
public boolean getIsBitwise() {
return isBitwise;
Is this a Lombok thing?
Seems like you may have hit upon a bug if isBitwise works well but not isHiddenOnQuote.
Also, noticed that you are not using the @Getter etc annotations from Lombok. Perhaps you can try using the following annotations to force the correct name:
I got this from this answer on Stackoverflow:
EDIT: Fixed the property name.