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C++ Event Handler With Registration Style, Notifier Method

I found this code for event handler with registration style in c++. Can anyone explain me, what the below code does?

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <list>

class Button {

        typedef void (*OnPress)(Button *, void *closure);
        typedef std::pair<OnPress, void*> PressCallBack;
        std::list<PressCallBack> onPress;

        struct Notify:
        public std::binary_function<PressCallBack, Button*, void> {
            void operator()( PressCallBack& c, Button* b) const {
                (*c.first)(b, c.second);

        void NotifyAll(void){
                onPress.begin(), onPress.end(),
                std::bind2nd(Notify(), this)

        void AddOnButtonPress(OnPress f, void *c){

        void RemoveOnButtonPress(OnPress f, void *c){

Any comment will be helpful!!! Thanks in advance!


  • Somewhere there are functions with the signature:

     void function_name(Button* btn, void* ptrToSomeData);

    The functions with the second parameter (ptrToSomeData) can be added into the list of event handlers with the function Button::AddOnButtonPress:

     Button::AddOnButtonPress(function_name, &SomeData);

    when the function Button::NotifyAll() is called for some object SomeButton, then all added functions will be called in the order in which they were added. The first argument will be passed a pointer to the button (SomeButton), and the second argument will be the one specified when adding.

    typedef void (*OnPress)(Button *, void *closure);
    //< declare OnPress as pointer to function (pointer to Button, pointer to void) returning void
    typedef std::pair<OnPress, void*> PressCallBack;
    //< declare pair of 
    //< - pointer to function (pointer to Button, pointer to void) returning void
    //    and
    //< - pointer to void
    //This type is used to store the pointer to callback function with the second argument of the function
    std::list<PressCallBack> onPress; //< list of saved callbacks
    struct Notify:
    public std::binary_function<PressCallBack, Button*, void> {
        void operator()( PressCallBack& c, Button* b) const {
              (*c.first)(b, c.second);
    //< the type Notify - it is functor. It is used this way: 
    //  Notify()(callback, this);
    //  so
    //  it calls callback_function(this, store_pointer_to_some_data)
    void NotifyAll(void){
            onPress.begin(), onPress.end(),
              std::bind2nd(Notify(), this)
    //< for every stored callback:
    //   1) create object Notify
    //   2) call Notify::operator()(PressCallBack, this)
    void AddOnButtonPress(OnPress f, void *c){
    //< store callback function 'f' and second argument 'c' for the callback function 'f' into onPress list
        void RemoveOnButtonPress(OnPress f, void *c){
    //< store callback function 'f' with the second argument 'c' from onPress list