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How can i erase duplicated elements from a multimap<int, std::pair<int, bool>>?

I have a multimap with duplicates. When I finished the collection of the elements i would like to erase the dups.

Here is the container:

std::multimap<int, std::pair<int, bool>> container;

This following code is inside an iteration.(it is a simpler version of the original)

container.emplace(LeafId, std::make_pair(NodeId, isElectronic));

Is it good solution?

std::pair<int, std::pair<int, bool>> lastValue {-1 , {-1, -1}}; 
    for (auto it = container.cbegin(); it != container.cend();)
        if (it->first == lastValue.first && it->second == lastValue.second)
            it = container.erase(it);
        } else
            lastValue = *it;


  • Is it good solution?

    Unless you keep internal pair sorted inside multimap, no it is not a good solution as it would miss duplicates. If you can change data type then you can use:

    std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>>

    instead of std::multimap and then for each element sort vector and remove duplicates using standard algorithms as described here Removing duplicates in a vector of strings

    if you cannot I suggest to use additional std::set or std::unordered_set:

    std::set<std::pair<int, bool>> tset;
    int lastValue = 0;
    for (auto it = container.cbegin(); it != container.cend();)
        if( it->first != lastValue ) {
            lastValue = it->first;
        if( !tset.insert( it->second ).second )
            it = container.erase( it );