I have a table consisting of id , value columns and a corresponding [random walk plot][1] using mpld3. I would like to pre-highlight a particular line from the line plot instead of mouseover.
Code snippet from mpld3 : [1]: https://mpld3.github.io/examples/random_walk.html
import jinja2
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3
from mpld3 import plugins, utils
class HighlightLines(plugins.PluginBase):
"""A plugin to highlight lines on hover"""
mpld3.register_plugin("linehighlight", LineHighlightPlugin);
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype = Object.create(mpld3.Plugin.prototype);
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.constructor = LineHighlightPlugin;
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.requiredProps = ["line_ids"];
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.defaultProps = {alpha_bg:0.3, alpha_fg:1.0}
function LineHighlightPlugin(fig, props){
mpld3.Plugin.call(this, fig, props);
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.draw = function(){
for(var i=0; i<this.props.line_ids.length; i++){
var obj = mpld3.get_element(this.props.line_ids[i], this.fig),
alpha_fg = this.props.alpha_fg;
alpha_bg = this.props.alpha_bg;
.on("mouseover", function(d, i){
.style("stroke-opacity", alpha_fg); })
.on("mouseout", function(d, i){
.style("stroke-opacity", alpha_bg); });
def __init__(self, lines):
self.lines = lines
self.dict_ = {"type": "linehighlight",
"line_ids": [utils.get_id(line) for line in lines],
"alpha_bg": lines[0].get_alpha(),
"alpha_fg": 1.0}
N_paths = 50
N_steps = 100
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = 0.1 * (np.random.random((N_paths, N_steps)) - 0.5)
y = y.cumsum(1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'xticks': [], 'yticks': []})
lines = ax.plot(x, y.T, color='blue', lw=4, alpha=0.1)
plugins.connect(fig, HighlightLines(lines))
Code after incorporating @codemax's suggestion
import jinja2
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3
from mpld3 import plugins, utils
class HighlightLines(plugins.PluginBase):
"""A plugin to highlight lines on hover"""
mpld3.register_plugin("linehighlight", LineHighlightPlugin);
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype = Object.create(mpld3.Plugin.prototype);
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.constructor = LineHighlightPlugin;
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.requiredProps = ["line_ids"];
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.defaultProps = {alpha_bg:0.3, alpha_fg:1.0}
function LineHighlightPlugin(fig, props){
mpld3.Plugin.call(this, fig, props);
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.draw = function(){
for(var i=0; i<this.props.line_ids.length; i++){
const list = [0, 4, 6];
if (list.includes(i)) {
obj.elements().style("stroke-opacity", alpha_fg);
def __init__(self, lines):
self.lines = lines
self.dict_ = {"type": "linehighlight",
"line_ids": [utils.get_id(line) for line in lines],
"alpha_bg": lines[0].get_alpha(),
"alpha_fg": 1.0}
N_paths = 50
N_steps = 100
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = 0.1 * (np.random.random((N_paths, N_steps)) - 0.5)
y = y.cumsum(1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'xticks': [], 'yticks': []})
lines = ax.plot(x, y.T, color='blue', lw=4, alpha=0.1)
plugins.connect(fig, HighlightLines(lines))
You can select individual lines and highlight it using this approach.
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.draw = function(){
for(var i=0; i<this.props.line_ids.length; i++){
var obj = mpld3.get_element(this.props.line_ids[i], this.fig),
alpha_fg = this.props.alpha_fg;
alpha_bg = this.props.alpha_bg;
// Depending on which line you wish to highlight,
// you can change 1 to any index
// add the following 3 lines to your code
if (i === 1) {
obj.elements().style("stroke-opacity", alpha_fg);
.on("mouseover", function(d, i){
.style("stroke-opacity", alpha_fg); })
.on("mouseout", function(d, i){
.style("stroke-opacity", alpha_bg); });
If you wish to highlight multiple lines, you can use this approach.
LineHighlightPlugin.prototype.draw = function(){
for(var i=0; i<this.props.line_ids.length; i++){
var obj = mpld3.get_element(this.props.line_ids[i], this.fig),
alpha_fg = this.props.alpha_fg;
alpha_bg = this.props.alpha_bg;
// add the following 4 lines to your code
const list = [0, 4, 6]; // these numbers are random. Use your own numbers
if (list.includes(i)) {
obj.elements().style("stroke-opacity", alpha_fg);
.on("mouseover", function(d, i){
.style("stroke-opacity", alpha_fg); })
.on("mouseout", function(d, i){
.style("stroke-opacity", alpha_bg); });