I am using react-bootstrap-table2
to make HTML tables, I am using a checkbox inside my table to delete the items.
SO as per This link, it is mentioned how to get the selected row and then do the next part, here what I am doing is when I click on any checkbox row gets selected, and if I again select any row that I am adding to the array into my state like below
onSelect: (row, isSelect, rowIndex, e) => {
if (isSelect === true) {
setrowData((rowData) => [...rowData, row]);
} else {
// here i need to do something
My issue is when I unselect the row that value is not getting deleted from my array, and at the time of delete, I have all the data which I have selected once.
is giving me the boolean value for that, but it is working for each select once I am selecting multiple rows it shows up, but when I unselect any one of them the delete button hidesWhat I have done for that is something like below
setrowSelect((rowSelect) => [...rowSelect, isSelect]); // this one is inside onSelect callback given by the react-bootstrap-table2 library
{rowSelect && (
<button className="btn Secondary_Button_with_Icon">
<i className="ri-upload-cloud-line ri-lg"></i>Register
Note that, you don't need to maintain another state for controlling visibility of Delete
You can perfectly hide/show Delete based on
Also the code you wrote for handling selected rows works perfectly well. Just get rid of rowSelect
state and its handlers.
And update the rendering of your Delete
button based on contents of your rowData
rowData.length ? (
<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={Delete_device}>
<i className="ri-upload-cloud-line ri-lg"></i>Delete
: null
This is the forked sandbox from yours.