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Rate and review system for wordpress website

I have a professor Rate and review website for Lebanese universities. I have created a new rating system with animation on ( )

but I want to implement it on Wordpress. Is it possible to have such custom fields? and also is it possible to have the same animations? (hover and click colors and texts)


  • Of course you can achieve it. It may be a longshot, but:

    • download their CSS files
    • download their JS files
    • look at the page-source

    Working on your Wordpress theme implement the same HTML as you had on bubble. You do not necessarily need to reuse their code in all cases. When you know how a given design element or animation can be achieved, feel free to implement yourself. When not, then look at some properties on their tags, like classes and so. Search for the identifiable properties of the element you are working on at a given point in the CSS and JS files. See what happens with them. Try removing classes and CSS rules, see what happens. This way you can gradually find out what code is responsible for what element. But it may be a long process.

    Alternatively you could implement something similar on your own. I like this option better, because, even though you will face some difficulties while doing so, once you are done you will be familiar with your own code and will be able to customize it later if needed.