I want to know if there is a way to keep the windows aspect ratio while resizing the window like when you scale a layer and pressing shift in photoshop.
I finally manage to do what I wanted to do. I listen to sf::Event::Resized and calling sf::Window::setSize then I adapted the code from this post which look like that :
// set screen size
float screenWidth = 800.f;
float screenHeight = 600.f;
// get the resized size
sf::Vector2u size = _window.getSize();
// setup my wanted aspect ratio
float heightRatio = screenHeight / screenWidth;
float widthRatio = screenWidth / screenHeight;
// adapt the resized window to my wanted aspect ratio
if (size.y * widthRatio <= size.x)
size.x = size.y * widthRatio;
else if (size.x * heightRatio <= size.y)
size.y = size.x * heightRatio;
// set the new size