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Excel Chart range based on the value in a cell in another sheet

I have a sheet (Dashboard) that has multiple Pareto charts, another sheet (Data) brings in the range for each chart via a formula in standard $A$1:$B$2 format.

how do I use these ranges from the Sheet "Data" in the Pareto charts in the "Dashboard"? Chart name is in Data B4 Chart Range is in Data C4 I have code for each chart for troubleshooting below is one from a single chart

Sub FirstChart()
    Dim FirstChartName As String
    Dim FirstChartRange As Range
        FirstChartName = Sheets("Data").Range("B4")
        Set FirstChartRange = Worksheets("Data").Range(Sheets("Data").Range("C4").Value)
        ActiveChart.HasTitle = True
        ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text = FirstChartName 
        ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=FirstChartRange
End Sub

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: Thanks to @coross24 and @WIL. i have uploaded the file based on their answers to


  • Relik,
    I've had to post another answer as my reputation isn't high enough to reply with a comment. There's an absolutely filthy work around.... it seems the data does actually populate the graph is you just bypass the error message, and then set the y-axis scale to auto. See below for the code:

    Option Explicit
    Sub FirstChart()
        Dim FirstChartName As String
        Dim FirstChartRange As String
        Dim rng As Range
        Dim r As Range
        Dim shtData As Excel.Worksheet
        Dim shtDashboard As Excel.Worksheet
        Dim chart As Excel.chart
        Dim tmp As Variant
        Set shtData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
        Set shtDashboard = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Dashboard")
        ' get chart name
        FirstChartName = shtData.Range("B4").Value2
        ' get chart range
        FirstChartRange = shtData.Range("C4").Value2
        ' change data for first chart
        Set chart = shtDashboard.ChartObjects("FirstChart").chart
        With chart
            .HasTitle = True
            .ChartTitle.Text = FirstChartName
            On Error Resume Next
            .SetSourceData shtData.Range(FirstChartRange)
            On Error GoTo 0
            .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        End With
    End Sub

    Hope this helps with your issue!