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What is the syntax for make_unique for a pointer of base type to a derived object?

Consider the following base and derived classes.

class base
    int i{9};
    virtual void func()
        cout << "base" << endl;
    virtual ~base()


class derived : public base
    int i{4};
    void func()
        cout << "derived" << endl;


I would like to create a unique_ptr of base type to derived object. I know I can do

std::unique_ptr<base> ptr{new derived};

but when I do

auto ptr = std::make_unique<base>(derived{});

this prints base, which is not my intended behavior. What is the correct way to use std::make_unique for this case? In addition, why does auto ptr = std::make_unique<base>(derived{}) do?


  • When you do

    auto ptr = std::make_unique<base>(derived{});

    make_unique<base> is going to create a unique_ptr<base> which means it is only going to create a base object. Since derived is derived from base it is legal to pass that to base's copy constructor so the code compiles, but you have a base, not a derived.

    What you would need is

    std::unique_ptr<base> ptr = std::make_unique<derived>();

    to get a base pointer that points to a derived object. This isn't the syntax you want, but it works correctly.

    If you used

    auto ptr = std::make_unique<derived>();

    then ptr would be a std::unique_ptr<derived>, not a std::unique_ptr<base>.