i need help. i want to ask about Hibernate HQL on grails. i want to join 2 tables into 1 result.
My Controller
TRANSACTION.executeQuery("from TRANSACTION join SUBSCRIBER on TRANSACTION.subscriberID = SUBSCRIBER.msisdn where TRANSACTION.date = '2020-09-04'"
result: unexpected token: on
when i change my code same like this source This link
TRANSACTION .executeQuery("from TRANSACTION t1,SUBSCRIBER t2 where t1.subscriberID = t2.msisdn and TRANSACTION.date = '2020-09-04'")
result : Unknown column 'subscriber0_.pos' in 'field list'
My DB Mapping
class Transaction implements Validateable{
String id
String subscriberID
String currentBalance
String date
static mapping = {
datasource 'trx'
id generator: 'assigned', column: "ID"
subscriberID column: "subscriberID" <-- this value is equals to msisdn at Subscriber
currentBalance column: "currentBalance"
date column: "date"
version false
class Subscriber implements Validateable{
String id
String msisdn
String firstName
static mapping = {
datasource 'subs'
id column:"subscriberID"
msisdn column:"msisdn"
firstName column:"firstName"
version false
i want to join them like this
| firstName | subscriberID | currentBalance | Date |
i solved it!
def query = "select table1.subscriberID,table2.msisdn from table1 t1, table2 t2 where t1.id = t2.id" query= table1.executeQuery(query);