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Using RediSearch: Module Disabled in Open Source Redis

I'm currently using Redis V4.09 on Ubuntu 18.04 and I downloaded RediSearch from

The module runs correctly with the Redis Server but when I try to use a command from RediSearch like FT.Create it responds with an error saying that the module is disabled in open-source redis.

I was told that RediSearch is free given its license, is it that the version on redis labs is an enterprise version? If so, where can I find the free version of RediSearch and its respective .so file.

Thank you for your help!


  • The OSS version of RediSearch doesn't currently provide pre-compiled .so files (although we're working on that). In the meantime, you can either a) download the source and compile (see the docs for instructions) or try to copy the .so from the official docker images (your mileage may vary).

    The version you've downloaded from the RedisLabs website is, indeed, only compatible with the enterprise version.