I am using itext 7.0.0. I am writing a PDF and at the end, I insert a section that will contain Name/date/signature, like so:
However, in some cases, the last section is overwriting an already existing section, for example:
Here is how I insert the name/date/signature rectangle:
private fun placeVisa(document: Document): Document {
val pdfCanvas = PdfCanvas(document.pdfDocument.getPage(document.pdfDocument.numberOfPages))
val width = 200f
val height = 100f
val rectangle = Rectangle((document.pdfDocument.defaultPageSize.width - width) * 0.95f, // x position
height / 2, // y position
width, // actual width
height) // actual height
val canvas = Canvas(pdfCanvas, document.pdfDocument, rectangle)
val rectangleContent = Paragraph(Text("Name, date and signature :"))
rectangleContent.marginLeft = 5f
return document
How can I make it so I does not overwrite content if there is some ?
I have chosen another approach to my problem.
Instead of drawing a rectangle, I build a table with one column and one cell.
THe height of the cell is set so that the rectanblge drawn by the table is large enough, and the witdh of the table is set so that it is large enough.
Finally, I added an horizontal alignement to the right.
val table = Table(1)
val cell = Cell(1,1)
cell.add("Name, date and signature :")
cell.height = 75f