I have been a loyal user of emacs. Recently, I switched to using spacemacs and enjoy it very much. For a while, I was able to use Stata in org-mode in spacemacs through ESS. After a recent update, I cannot use Stata in org-mode anymore because Stata is obsolete the latest release of ESS. When I try to edit the following code block,
#+begin_src stata :tangle yes
webuse auto;
I cannot open the clock block and get an error message as follows
org-edit-src-code: No such language mode: stata-mode
I am using the develop branch of spacemacs 0.300 with emacs 27.0.50. And, I output my system information using
uname -a
with the following output
Linux 4.15.0-112-generic #113~16.04.1-Ubuntu x86_64 GNU/Linux
I do not think I can use any layer other than ESS in spacemacs to solve this problem. How do I use Stata in org-mode with spacemacs?
I temporarily solve this problem by downgrading ESS to an earlier version, and it works for now. I take steps as follows.