I am facing a very rare problem, that I couldn't solve myself even after hours of googling it.
I use node-key-sender
(but the problem is similar for other look-a-like modules, such as robots.js
) for keyboard emittance (Keyboard button send operations)
The following function works fine when I am using any English word:
const ks = require('node-key-sender');
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
(async function query (query = 'Bread') {
try {
query = query.toLowerCase()
await sleep(1000)
ks.sendText(query); //prints bread in real time after 1 second delay
} catch (e) {
But when I am trying to use it for any Cyrillic word, it does nothing, because it doesn't contain any «alphabet map», but If I add it, it works fine, but...
const ks = require('node-key-sender');
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const RuMap = {
"й": 'q', "ц": 'w', "у": 'e', "к": 'r', "е": 't', "н": 'y', "г": 'u', "ш": 'i', "щ": 'o', "з": 'p', "х": 'shift-@55', "ъ": 'close_bracket',
"ф": 'a', "ы": 's', "в": 'd', "а": 'f', "п": 'g', "р": 'h', "о": 'j', "л": 'k', "д": 'l', "ж": ';', "э": "'",
"я": 'z', "ч": 'x', "с": 'c', "м": 'v', "и": 'b', "т": 'n', "ь": 'm', "б": '', "ю": 'slash',
(async function query (query = 'Хлеб') {
try {
query = query.toLowerCase()
await sleep(1000)
ks.sendText(query); //prints only 'л' and 'е'
} catch (e) {
The problem is, that if I want to print any non-English word, I should change language keyboard in my OS, and run this function, so the Cyrillic letters have been converted to the English counterparts, like Q => Й
, according to language layout map:
So, if I want to print the word
I should convert every letter forQWERTY
, and machine prints emit the following key, and printsЙЦУКЕН
, because my language layout is Cyrillic right now in the OS.
And it works fine, until I don't face the cyrrilic Х => [
problem. Open bracket has KeyCode @219
(in Java KeyEvent). But even if I add to layout { "х": '@219' }
or { "х": 'open_bracket' }
it still doesn't work.
As I figure it out, KeySend somehow changes or it does relevant with the non-ASCI
symbols problem.
So in Cyrillic layout, shift+@55
KeyCode is relevant to ?
, but in the English layout ?
doesn't have keyCode @55
so, how to find KeyCodes for Cyrillic layout and solve this problem?
Unicode Subtrange with Character Map helps me out after 4 hours of coding:
"х": '@18-@96-@98-@100-@101'
which equals to Alt+0245
for all characters, which doesn't have KeyCodes in active OS layout.