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Unable to collect data from metric query language MQL - GCP

I want to execute MQL (metric query language) using below library.


Here is my code snippet. which will create monitoring client and will try to collect data from GCP monitoring.

public void queryTimeSeriesData() throws IOException {
        // create monitoring 
        Monitoring m = createAuthorizedMonitoringClient();
        QueryTimeSeriesRequest req  = new QueryTimeSeriesRequest();
        String query = "fetch consumed_api\n" + 
                "| metric ''\n" + 
                "| align rate(2m)\n" + 
                "| every 2m\n" + 
                "| group_by [metric.response_code],\n" + 
                "    [value_request_count_max: max(value.request_count)]";
        HashMap<String, Object> queryTransformationSpec = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        HashMap<String, Object> timingState =  new HashMap<String, Object>();
        HashMap<String, Object> absoluteWindow = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        absoluteWindow.put("startTime", "2020-09-03T12:40:00.000Z");
        absoluteWindow.put("endTime", "2020-09-03T13:41:00.000Z");
        timingState.put("absoluteWindow", absoluteWindow);
        timingState.put("graphPeriod", "60s");
        timingState.put("queryPeriod", "60s");
        queryTransformationSpec.put("timingState", timingState);
        req.set("queryTransformationSpec", queryTransformationSpec);
        req.set("reportPeriodicStats", false);
        req.set("reportQueryPlan", false);
        QueryTimeSeriesResponse res = m.projects().timeSeries().query("projects/MY_PROJECT_NAME", req).execute();

Above code is working fine but its not returning data of given startTime and endTime , It always returns latest datapoint available. is there any problem with my code ?


  • Found way to execute MQL query with given time range. The new working code is the following:

    public void queryTimeSeriesData() throws IOException {
            // create monitoring 
            Monitoring m = createAuthorizedMonitoringClient();
            QueryTimeSeriesRequest req  = new QueryTimeSeriesRequest();
            String query = "fetch consumed_api\n" + 
                    "| metric ''\n" + 
                    "| align rate(5m)\n" + 
                    "| every 5m\n" + 
                    "| group_by [metric.response_code],\n" + 
                    "    [value_request_count_max: max(value.request_count)]" + 
                    "| within   d'2020/09/03-12:40:00', d'2020/09/03-12:50:00'\n";
            QueryTimeSeriesResponse res = m.projects().timeSeries().query("projects/MY_PROJECT_NAME", req).execute();

    Included query start time and end time in query itself by using within operator. As per google docs for MQL queries:

    within - Specifies the time range of the query output.