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Connect to AWS keyspaces with Spring reactive data autoconfiguration

Im trying to connect to my aws keyspaces using spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra-reactive and I get the following error:

Error creating bean with name 'cassandraSession' defined in class path resource [com/pams/framework/windsoncore/configurations/CassandraConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.AllNodesFailedException: Could not reach any contact point, make sure you've provided valid addresses (showing first 1 nodes, use getAllErrors() for more): Node(, hostId=null, hashCode=33a6c4f3): [com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.DriverTimeoutException: [s5|control|id: 0xe0ebe047, L:/ -] Protocol initialization request, step 1 (OPTIONS): timed out after 500 ms]

I tried their documentation, that works, but I wanted to used the spring auto configuration and reactive cassandra repos. I added all the configurations in application.yml and passed the trustStore information as JVM args. But I cannot get past these errors. I've tried looking around for this and have not found a working solution.

I would appreciate if someone can help me out here.

I have also tried the following:

public class CassandraConfiguration extends AbstractReactiveCassandraConfiguration {

  protected String getContactPoints() {
    return "";

  protected int getPort() {
    return 9142;

  protected String getKeyspaceName() {
    return "windson";

  protected CqlSession getRequiredSession() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    DriverConfigLoader loader = DriverConfigLoader.fromClasspath("application.conf");

    return CqlSession.builder().withConfigLoader(loader).build();


  • You need to increase connection timeout in the application.conf file to:

    datastax-java-driver {
      advanced.connection {
        connect-timeout = 5 seconds
        init-query-timeout = 5 seconds

    or upgrade to Java driver 4.9 where the init-query-timeout is already increased from 500 milliseconds to 5 seconds.