A subsequence is a group of characters chosen from a list while maintaining their order. For instance, the subsequenes of the string abc
are [a, b, c, ab, ac, bc, abc]
Now, I need to write a function to return all the palindromic subsequences from a given string in order. For instance, for the string acdapmpomp
, the output should be [a,c,d,p,m,o,aa,aca,ada,pmp,mm,mom,pp,ppp,pop,mpm,pmpmp]
My code is:
function getAllPalindromicSubsequences(str) {
var result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < str.length + 1; j++) {
if (str.slice(i, j).split("").reverse().join("") == str.slice(i, j)){
result.push(str.slice(i, j));
return result;
But this produces the following output:
'a', 'c', 'd',
'a', 'p', 'pmp',
'm', 'p', 'o',
'm', 'p'
What is the mistake I am making? And what should be the correct code?
You could take a recursive approach and collect all character and check is they are palindromes.
function getSub(string) {
function isPalindrome(string) {
let l = 0,
r = string.length - 1;
if (!string) return false;
while (l < r) {
if (string[l] !== string[r]) return false;
l++; r--;
return true;
function sub([character, ...rest], right = '') {
if (isPalindrome(right) && !result.includes(right)) result.push(right);
if (!character) return;
sub(rest, right + character);
sub(rest, right);
var result = [];
return result;